August 12, 2013 1538
I cannot say enough good things
about the Rope Center in Hudson, Florida.
They are a small organization with little resources, but they have the
heart of millions. The small things they
have given us (a hot meal, assistance with the food stamps, an address we can
use to get The Goat Man’s driver’s license) have made huge impact on our circumstances.
The Goat Man has been a big worry
for me the past week. He is having more
dreams about the twenty years he worked natural disasters. I see him as a hero, but he sees himself as a
bad man. He tears himself up inside.
He has a heroic nature. Once as a passerby he jumped into a river and
pulled out a kid who jumped off a bridge in attempts to kill himself. The Goat Man saved him and then the family
sued him, but he continues to be heroic.
He stopped his car, jumped out, and ran into a burning building. He doesn’t give it any thought. If he can help somebody he does.
One night we had finally settled
into bed about midnight exhausted when we heard a woman scream, “Help me!” Before my brain could process anything The
Goat Man was dressed and out the door to help.
When we walked down the trail and
met Cindy and Corey the first thing he said was, “I will fix the zipper on your
tent later.” He is my hero. He has saved me so many times. I have waited so many precious minutes away
waiting for him to talk to everyone he passes and help him or her if he can.
He won’t tell me much about his job,
but I know he was at 911, Katrina, and Joplin Mississippi after three
hurricanes demolished everything. He has
been the beautiful face to so many praying for help. He has been the asshole with a gun for those
trying to stay in their home when it wasn’t safe. He has been the strong one after it was over
and nothing else could be done except respect the dead and clean up.
The night we spent at Megan’s house
he was having a really bad time. We
settled in the bed to sleep. I was so
happy to be able to lay (I can never remember when to use lay vs. lie) next to
him. It has been a really long time
since I was able to sleep in his arms where it is safe. My eyes closed and The Goat Man jumped out of
“Get off me! We have to go!”
“All of the compartments have to be
evacuated!” He was not nice. He stood naked before me with his arm on mine
trying to pull me out of the house. I
was still sleeping.
“Can we get dressed?” He paused.
Called me derogatory names as he put on his shorts and I put on my
pajamas, then he pulled me out of the room.
We reached the outside of the house and he began to walk to the right.
I must admit I was hurt, mad, tired,
and exhausted. I simply went back in the
house, locked the door and went back to bed.
I listened to him hollering for the compartments to be emptied praying
he didn’t try to evacuate the neighbors.
After a few minutes he appeared in
the door calm. I have no idea how he got
in the house and found me. He always
seems to find me. He always asks me how
to help him. On some level he must know
I am safe.
“Where am I?”
“We are at Megan’s. Are you gonna come to bed?”
“What am I doing?”
“Let’s go have a cigarette.”
“Ok…yes…where?” I took this big teddy bear to the back
porch. He smoked three cigarettes
telling me about the disaster in sentences and jargon that amounted to gibberish
to me, and then we went to bed. He was
not nice at all! But I felt better with
him in the bed next to me. He snored all
In the morning I was faced with my
fear. Like an epiphany it hit me. I am so afraid I am not appealing to
him. My hair needs a haircut; I cannot
keep up with the beauty things like my nails, eyebrows, and facial hair. My clothes are dirty and stained. I feel fat, ugly, dirty, and
undesirable. Both of us are so concerned
with survival we are partners on the deepest level, but we are no longer
I am so happy to be writing everyday
and I don’t ever want to stop. I want to
finish my book, Bird Beast. I want to finish my screenplay, video game,
and start on my Halfling. But I am going
to have to go back to nursing.
I would rather work in a smelly
dirty shop for Labor Ready than go back to nursing. I want to focus on my writing and my
PhD. I am struggling with school and
that is a new experience for me. I can
only stay strong if The Goat Man does, but we are both crumbling together.
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